About me
I’m a Senior Software Developer with an obsession with Python and back-end development.
I’m originally trained as a jurist – got myself a fancy degree in criminal law (summa cum laude!) – but I’ve been programming since I was 13 and I coded my way through Law School.
After graduation, I started working at a law firm and begun my specialization degree in legal professions to become a judge.
Did that happen? Hell no. I got my specialization degree, but then I became obsessed with automating anything and everything that I could get my hands on.
Programming consumed most of my time at the law firm, until I was able to jump onto a legal tech project for a year. That experience got me hired as a research associate in legal informatics at the University of Bologna, where I worked with a team of computer scientists and lawyers.
I was able to blend my programming skills and legal knowledge to create some pretty cool stuff for the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and other high institutions.
While I was at it, I learned to code smart contracts in Solidity and developed a few DApps on Ethereum. So i got familiar with Web3, IPFS, Truffle, and all that jazz.
During this time, on the side, I co-founded a legal tech startup and built all sort of cool stuff, until we hit a government stoppage – long story.
Anyhow, in all that, I landed a fancy-pants Marie-Curie PhD scholarship in legal informatics on Blockchain/DLTs and new forms of Governance, which took me to the beautiful city of Vienna. So more Web3 for me.
Though I enjoyed my time in Academia (/s), I decided to drop out of the PhD (best decision of my life) and jump back into the legal tech industry.
Then life happened, and In 2022 I hopped over to the eHealth sector, which was a great experience, where I learned A LOT about QA.
And then, you guessed it, life happened again, and I jumped on the LLM wagon in the commercial insurance sector, working as a Senior Backend Developer.
Oh dear, life happened again, and now I’m back to doing backend for Web3 and DLTs, dancing with AML and KYC.